Donate to us

Supporting us is just as simple as a click!

If you're feeling extra generous, support our server through monthly donations or a one-off donation.

Monthly Donations

Support us every month with an auto-billed monthly sponsorship plan. You can always cancel your donation by cancelling the subscription.

All payments are handled by PayPal and are automatically applied to each billing cycle of our server. Subscribe with peace of mind as funds are always applied where they should be, and the flexibility to cancel as you please.

All currencies are in Hong Kong Dollar.

Keen to buy me a coffee?

$20 per month pays for it. This will all go into the server and I'll have some spare cash for coffee. Woooohhh, thank you!

$50 HKD per month: You pay 1/4 of our server!

$100 HKD per month: You pay half our server!

One-off donation

Ooh, that's really kind of you, Thank you!

This link links to a PayPal page