Ranks & Commands
This page povides a list of KCN ranks and commands that can be used all around KCN. Click the links on the left to skip to sections.
Global Ranks
Local Ranks
Commands for Players
/spawn: heads to server spawn (Hub)
/menu: opens server menu (teleport to worlds, select actions)
/help: shows a list of available commands
/afk: marks yourself as Away From Keyboard
/helpop: ask for staff assistance
/list: gives a list of online players.
/ping: checks your connection speed with the server.
/ptime: sets your personal time
/realname: enter nickname of a player and it shows its real Minecraft username.
/balance: looks at amount of money you have
/pay: pays money to player
/channel: lists a list of chat channels.
/msg or /tell: sends a private message to a particular player
/r or /reply: replies to the sender of your last private message
/ignore: blocks communication from a player
/mail send: sends in-game email to player. You can send to anyone, even those who are offline.
/mail: shows your mail inbox
/me: type your current status and it shows everyone.
/co i: inspects the block for modification record. Checks for vandalism.
Discord & DynMap
/discord link: Links your Minecraft account to your discord account. Required to use #ingame-chat channel in discord server.
/discord unlink: does the opposite of above.
/dynmap webregister: gives a code to be used in registering dynmap account
/sethome: sets a private teleportation point.
/home: Teleports you to your set point
/delhome: removes your private teleportation point.
/getpos: shows you your current coordinates
/tpaccept: accepts teleportation request
/tpdeny: denies teleportation request
Commands for Members
/nick: sets a nakename for yourself
/tpa: request teleportation to a player
/tpahere: request teleportation of a player to yourself